Middle East Herald
Multi-National Newspaper
Providing News & Information to the Middle Eastern Community Since 1996. Miss Middle East
Smarter Barter
Da Vinci Cosmetics
Gadian Society

Editor in Chief:
Antonios Bourizk
Sydney: Unit 9, 46 - 48 Restwell St, Bankstown NSW 2200 - Tel: 02-8764 8186 - Email: info@meherald.com.au - PP: 255003 / 09613 - Melbourne: 11 Caulfield Crescent, RoxburghPark VIC 3064
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Miss Middle East.

Smarter Barter
Smarter Barter

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What We Do

We are a weekly newspaper that services the middle east and Australian community, it is published in arabic and english.

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About Us

The newspaper was established in 1996 to meet the demands of immigrants for news and information about this country and there previous.

It provides immigrants with important information about Australian Government and Community Service Organisations as well as news and events.

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News and Events

We will keep a regular update on the news and events that affect our subscribers.

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